Current Issue

Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Toward Sustainable Tropical Environment For New Capital City of Indonesia
					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Toward Sustainable Tropical Environment For New Capital City of Indonesia

The 6th ICTROPS aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications especially new capital of Indonesia. The topics is Toward Sustainable Tropical Environment for New Capital City of Indonesia These papers not only show the latest research results and technical progress, but also reflect the in-depth thinking and active exploration of experts and scholars on sustainable development.

Published: 2024-07-30


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Call for papers 2022

The 6th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Applications (ICTROPS) which is held on 1-2 November 2022 in Mercure Hotel, Samarinda, Indonesia is keen to create a platform for academics, researchers, engineers, industrial participants, and students to share their research findings with the global experts. All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance with the theme of the conference.  We invite full and developmental papers, extended abstracts as well as case study presentations in English. Please check the Author guidelines for more details. All accepted extended abstracts and papers will be published in the conference proceedings and delivered during the conference (calls for papers).

To make sure that your submissions are received and reviewed, please submit as easy as possible. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree that at least one author would attend the conference.


The framework of Mulawarman University as a “Center of Excellence for Tropical Studies” is a part of the 4in1 initiative. This initiative is projected to excel in Teaching and Learning, Research and Innovation, and Staff Development as soft programs and Campus Infrastructure as a hard program. With the assistance of this IsDB program, the 4in1 initiative has two prominent umbrella programs of research consortium and curricula development. The initiative outcomes are an increase of competent graduates, publication, increase quality of teaching-learning, excellent services, increased student body, increased academic atmosphere, IPR, prototypes, increased research collaboration, and employability. In short, the 4in1 consortium will have a positive impact on developing nation competitiveness by providing competent graduates, collaboration in research, academic reputation, and excellent services and management.

Since the plan on relocating the new capital of Indonesia to the province of East Kalimantan, thus, it will be following with many social phenomena. This condition will certainly greatly influence the direction of development in the East Kalimantan region, especially when it was announced as the region that became the new capital of Indonesia by President Joko Widodo on August 26, 2019. Many social aspects face, however, it’s not only how the social condition amid covid pandemic but it’s also many aspects in the life of science as well.

The 6th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application (ICTROPS) on November 1- 2nd , 2022, is organized by the University of Mulawarman in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.  ICTROPS aims to provide a platform for researchers and practitioners to advancing knowledge and research for the better of life beyond the pandemic. Therefore, this conference is a forum for sharing the latest issues in the context of tropical studies and its applications especially new capital of Indonesia.

The theme of 6th ICTROPS 2021 is “Toward sustainable tropical environment for new capital city of Indonesia".

Topic areas consist:

  1. Environmental Technology
  2. Environmental Science
  3. Environmental Socio-Economy
  4. Environmental Law and Policy


Abstract Submission:
May 23rd September 15th, 2022 October 20th 2022

Accepted Abstract:
October 20th, 2022            

Full Paper Submission: 
October 18th, 2022 November 9th 2022

November 1-2nd, 2022

Selected papers will be published to proceedings of The 6th International Conference for Tropical Studies and Its Applications by Atlantis Press indexed by Scopus. Remainder of the other papers will be published in the ISSN proceedings.


Committee of The 6th ICTROPS 2022

Steering Commitee

  1. Prof. Dr. H. Masjaya, M.Si
  2. Prof. Dr. Ir. Mustofa Agung Sardjono
  3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bohari, M.Si
  4. Dr. Mustaid Yusuf, M.Si
  5. Anton Rahmadi, M. Sc

Person In charge:

Dr. Zeni Haryanto, M.Pd

Chairman: Ir. Fahrizal Adnan, S.T., M.Sc.

Vice Chairman: Dewi Embong Bulan, Ph.D.

Secretary: Ritbey Ruga, Ph.D; Zhafira Kurnia F., S.IP

Treasurer: Dr. Nova Hariani, S, Si., M.Si


  1. Ir. Hj. Masayu Widiastuti, M.T., IPM
  2. Ir. Novianti Puspitasari, S.Kom., M.Eng
  3. Dr. Anindita Septiarini, S.T., M.Cs.
  4. Masna Wati, S.Si., M.T.
  5. Muhammad Bambang Firdaus, S.Kom., M.Kom.
  6. Andi Mismawati, M.Sc
  7. Alamsyah, Ph.D
  8. Tantra Diwa Larasati, S.T., M.T.
  9. Ainun Nimatu Rohman, M.A.
  10. Heru Kusdianto, S.Pi., M.Si.


  1. Putut Pamilih Widagdo, M.Kom.
  2. Reza Maulana Yusuf, S.Kom
  3. Agung, S.Sos
  4. Suriansyah, S.P.
  5. Robby Adhitya, S.I.Kom.
  6. Firdan Farezal, S.I.Kom.

Proceeding and Journal:

  1. Ir. Pandu K. Utomo, S.T., M.Sc., IPM
  2. Retno Wulandari, Ph.D
  3. Taufik Haqiqi, M.Sc
  4. Agmi Sinta Putri, S.Si, M.P
  5. Ir. Nur Rani Alham, S.Pd., M.T.
  6. Ir. Nur Asriatul Kholifah, S.T., M.Ars.
  7. Resty Intan Putri, S.T., M.Eng.


  1. Hj. Dini Mariani, SE.,M.Si.
  2. Yuliadini Puspita, S.TP
  3. Zulfiah Idris, S.Pd., M.Pd
  4. Lisa Agustina, S.T.
  5. Risa Nova Purwandari, S.Si.
  6. Karina Adhaina, S.Si.
  7. Firman, S.Pi.
  8. Suardi