The Effect of Wind Speed on the Power Generated in a Wind Power Plant Prototype


  • Muslimin Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University
  • Nur Rani Alham Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University
  • Andika Alham Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University
  • Muhammad Sugianto Mulawarman University
  • Restu Mukti Utomo Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University
  • Wisnu Chandra Margono Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University


Prototype, Wind Speed, renewable energy, power generated, Wind Power Plant


Bayu or known as wind is one of several renewable energy sources that have the potential to produce electrical energy. Wind conditions that are not the same between places affect the energy produced. This wind condition is closely related to wind speed, so an experiment is needed to determine the effect of wind speed on the power generated on the PLTB prototype. The method used is to directly measure the power generated by the PLTB prototype which is loaded with different wind conditions. The results obtained with a wind speed of 3.5 m/s capable of producing an average power of 0,0188 watts, then at a wind speed of 4 m/s capable of producing an average power of 0,0241 watts, and a wind speed of 4.3 m/s capable of producing an average power of 0,0283 watts, this shows that wind speed affects the power generated.


