Anti-Inflammatory Activity Test of Pacing Putih Flower (Costus speciosus (J.Koenig) Sm.)


  • Eva Marliana
  • Madaniah Fathirah Mulawarman University
  • Ritbey Ruga


Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.), Anti-inflammatory, Protein Denaturation


The anti-inflammatory activity of white pacing flower (Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.) was tested. This study aims to determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction, and methanol-water fraction. The method used was inhibition of protein denaturation using bovine serum albumin and positive control, namely sodium diclofenac. The ethanol extract contains phenolics, flavonoids, and saponins. The ethyl acetate fraction contains steroids and quinones. The methanol-water fraction contains phenolics and flavonoids. Anti-inflammatory activity (IC50) on ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction, and methanol-water fraction, respectively, were 30.9031; 80.1728, and 14.9772 mg/L. Ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction and methanol-water fraction of white pacing flower (Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.) have the potential to have anti-inflammatory activity.


Keywords: Costus speciosus (J. Koenig) Sm.), Anti-inflammatory, Protein Denaturation


