Design for Application of Solar Power Plant in the Faculty of Engineering Mulawarman University


  • Indra Nusantara Mulawarman University
  • Nur Rani Alham
  • Happy Nugroho
  • Muslimin
  • Restu Mukti Utomo


Economic Analysis, Technical Analysis, Solar Power Generation (PLTS)


This study discusses the design of implementing a Solar Power Plant (PLTS) through technical analysis and economic analysis with two systems On-Grid and Off-Grid using the Net Present Value (NPV) method, Profitability Index/Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR). and Payback Period (PP). Mulawarman University as a university in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan. The city of Samarinda has a high level of electricity demand, besides that the power plants in Samarinda still rely on fossil fuel generators and do not yet have alternative electrical energy that is friendly to the environment. One of the potential power plants that can be applied by Mulawarman University is PLTS which converts solar energy from sunlight into electrical energy. From the results of data collection on the use of load/day, it was found that electricity consumption was worth 432.4 kW at the new Lecture Building Faculty of Engineering, Mulawarman University. The data will be further analyzed, so that the data produced in this study is a description of the feasibility of investing in the use of PLTS On-Grid and Off-Grid using economic analysis with the NPV, BCR and PP methods as well as a comparison of the calculation results from technical analysis and economic analysis of the two systems. PLTS. From the calculation of the economic analysis of the NPV method, the result is Rp. 605,525,467.5 for PLTS On-Grid and Rp. 235,194,341.7 for PLTS Off-Grid. From the calculation of the economic analysis of the BCR method, the results obtained are 2.48% for PLTS On-Grid and 1.3% for PLTS Off-Grid. From the calculation of the economic analysis of the PP method, the results are 2 years for On-Grid PLTS and 3 years 8 months for Off-Grid PLTS


