Caribi Mobile Application Business Process Modeling


  • Rahmi Nur Shofa Siliwangi University
  • Heni Sulastri Siliwangi University
  • Firmansyah Siliwangi University
  • Maulana Sugiarta Nursuwars Siliwangi University


BPMN, CARIBI Mobile Application, digital marketing, livestock investment, marketplace


The industrial revolution 4.0 does not only have an impact on changes in technological culture in the fields of industry, agriculture and animal husbandry also have a significant impact. The application of technology in the field of animal husbandry can assist farmers in maximizing the results of their livestock so that they get a better income and raise the standard of living of farmers. Livestock investment in Indonesia itself has become a culture with management still carried out conventionally, although some of the livestock sales processes have adapted to the use of social media for digital marketing, but not only digital marketing but the investment process needs to be digitized. Based on this, we need a technology that can provide facilities to meet the needs of the community in investing and transactions that are in accordance with the needs of end users, namely investors, breeders and buyers. So it is necessary to design the system developed to suit the needs of the user so that the user does not need to change behavior in using the application. User Centered Design (UCD) is a method in UI/UX design with a focus on user needs. UCD is part of the CARIBI Mobile App investment application software development system which was built to facilitate the digitization of investment and livestock trading transactions. The results of the UI/UX design produce 8 main needs, namely the main dashboard page, investment dashboard, login, livestock dashboard, complaints, reviews, wishlists and transactions. The evaluation carried out at the beginning and at the end uses a usability scale system with an average SUS score of >80% with an excellent rating, which means that the appearance of the CARIBI Mobile App application meets customer needs or is good.


