
Call for papers 2024

The 7th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Applications (ICTROPS) which is held on 2 October in Hexagon, Faculty of Engineering, Mulawarman university, Indonesia is keen to create a platform for academics, researchers, engineers, industrial participants, and students to share their research findings with the global experts. All full paper submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research depth, accuracy, and relevance with the theme of the conference.  We invite full and developmental papers, extended abstracts as well as case study presentations in English. Please check the Author guidelines for more details. All accepted extended abstracts and papers will be published in the conference proceedings and delivered during the conference (calls for papers).

To make sure that your submissions are received and reviewed, please submit as easy as possible. By submitting a paper, all authors also agree that at least one author would attend the conference.