Potential of Electric Energy from Organic Waste at TPA Bukit Pinang, Samarinda by Using Gasification Method


  • Muslimin Electrical Engineering Department, Mulawarman University
  • Tantra Diwa Larasati Chemical Engineering Department, Mulawarman University
  • Nur Rani Alham Electrical Engineering Department, Mulawarman University
  • Vicko Ghulam Fathurrohman Electrical Engineering Department, Mulawarman University
  • Siska Mayra Andini Electrical Engineering Department, Mulawarman University


Organic Waste, Gasification Method, PLTSa, Electrical Energy


The energy sector in Indonesia is a problem that the government must consider. Indonesia still relies on fossil energy as the main energy for power generation. However, the use of fossil energy that is carried out continuously will make Indonesia's energy reserves in the future will experience a crisis. So new renewable energy is needed as an alternative to help meet energy needs. The problem of waste that continues to increase in volume of production makes waste a big problem if the government and the community can not manage properly it. Therefore, we need to reduce waste in Samarinda, namely by managing the waste into new renewable energy through the Waste Power Plant (PLTSa). This study aims to determine the potential utilization of organic waste into electricity from the waste that enters the TPA Bukit Pinang Samarinda by using gasification method. From the results of the study, it is known that the percentage of organic waste is 60% with the amount of waste generated at the Bukit Pinang Samarinda TPA in 2021-2037 assuming the annual increase in waste is 3.39%, then the potential for PLTSa using the gasification method of 16.27 MW/year. The electricity produced per KWh will later be sold to PT. PLN of Rp. 1,922,- so that the income from the sale of electrical energy using  the gasification method of Rp. 112.619.095.469,4 /year.

Keywords: Organic Waste, Gasification Method, PLTSa and Electrical Energy


