Simulation of the Use of Solar and Wind Energy as a Hybrid Power Plant in Malahing Village Using Software Homer


  • Bima Sakti Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Restu Mukti Utomo Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Aji Ery Burhandenny Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Ira Riyana Sari Siregar Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Akmal Ridho Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University


Simulation, Homer, Mallahing, Hybrid and Energy


The need for electricity is increasingly becoming a problem because of limited energy sources so that there are several
villages that have not received electricity supply from PLN, one of which is Mallahing Village. The geographical
location of the village supports the use of Solar and Bayu Hybrid Power Plants, so simulations need to be carried out to
determine the optimal configuration and electrical system. Mallahing village has a potential wind speed of 3.58 m/s and
a potential solar irradiation of 4.63 kw/m2. The simulation results get the optimal configuration for the load requirement
of 231 kwh/day is to use a PV capacity of 16.1 Kw, a Wind Turbine with a capacity of 5.1 kW of 15 units, an Inverter
of 16.3 Kw and a Stroage of 220 kWh. The electrical system on the solar panels produces a total production of 22,276
kwh/yr. Meanwhile, the wind turbine electrical system produces a total production of 70.446 kwh/yr. The optimal
configuration has a Net Present Cost of Rp. 3,862,619,107.74. Of the total system production, solar panels supply
electricity by 24% and wind turbines supply electricity by 76%. Based on the results of the study, it was found that the
optimal configuration and operation of the system for 25 years and based on the potential for wind speed and solar
irradiation at the research site, wind turbines produce more electrical energy to supply load needs compared to solar
panels because solar panels only operate from morning to evening.


