Voltage and Current Calculation on Hybrid PV and Microhydro Power Plant Prototypes Based on Arduino


  • Nur Rani Alham Dapartement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Muslimin Dapartement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Restu Mukti Utomo Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University
  • Idham Apriliyantpo Universitas Mulawarman
  • Muhammad Rifaldi Dapartement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Abdul Mubarak Departement of Electrical Engineering, Mulawrman University


Efficiency, Microhydro, Prototype, Sensor, Solar Panel


Hybrid Power Plant is a combination of power plants that use solar and micro hydro power sources. The purpose of this research is to measure the value of power, measure the value of current and voltage measurements using a DC voltage sensor and ACS712 current sensor. The experiment was conducted to determine the accuracy of the sensor in measuring the value of voltage and current on the hybrid prototype. In the solar panel prototype, the power obtained is 0.80332 Watt with an efficiency of 66.94%., in the micro-hydro prototype, the power is 0.02554 Watt with an efficiency of 93.89% and the hybrid prototype is 1.3564 Watt.


