Analysis of Problems Related to the Development of Learning Devices on Biotechnology Materials by Utilizing Mandai as the Potential of the East Kalimantan Region


  • Elsje Theodora Masaawet
  • Nurfadilah A Patang Magister of Biology Education, Mulawarman University
  • Evie Palenewen



Learning tools are certain or several preparation which provided by educators or teachers both as individual or group so that the implementation and evaluation of learning can be conducted sistematically and gained the expected result. The use of regional potential in learning has been recommended based on the curriculum of 2013. The development of learning tools using the regional potention besides supporting the program of the goal learning achievement, it is also increase the environmental awareness. The aim of this study is finding the obstacle in learning tools by Biology teachers of East Borneo in utilizing the regional potential, especially in Biotechnology. The obtained result have been analyzed by  descriptively qualitative which found as follow. First, there is no teacher who made learning tools based on regional potential which originated from East Borneo on Biotechnology subject. The second is the lack of student understanding in interpreting the regional potential learning tools from their regional, due to the limit of reference related to the regional learning based on East Borneo, therefore creativity is needed against the development of regional potential based-learning tools. Mandai is one of Biotechnology products that can be used for the process of Biotechnology tools development in order to motivated the student or participant in learning process as the original product of its regional potential

Keyword: Learning tools, Regional potential, Biotechnology, Mandai, East Kalimantan


