Potential Natural Enemies of Stingless Bee in Sleman Hortikultura Plantation, Yogyakarta


  • Trisno Haryanto Faculty of Biology, University of Jendral Soedirman
  • Fathimah Nurfithri Hashifah Faculty of Biology, University of Jendral Soedirman


Stingless bee, Horticultural, Natural Enemies, Predators and Parasitoids


Stingless bee is one of the bee species that pollinates many horticultural crops such as chili plants in Sleman plantations. The dominance of the presence of Stingless bee in the environment of chili plantations determines the success rate of chili fruit production. Apart from the fact that the distance of Stingless bee cultivation is still in the plantation environment, there are also factors that affect the Stingless bee population, namely from the variety of plants, fertilizers, planting techniques and how to control pests. There are biotic factors in the form of climatic conditions in the environment, and abiotic factors in the form of natural enemies such as predators and parasitoids. This research was conducted in the horticultural plantation environment of Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta. Found as many as 6 types of predators consisting of: 3 types of Formicidae, 1 type of Coccinellidae ladybug and 2 types of Vespidae and from spiders there are 2 types of Nephila sp. A total of types of wasps (Braconidae 1, Eulophidae 2, Chalcididae 1 and Sphecidae 3). But the potential as a natural enemy of some of these predators and parasitoids still requires more research


