Author Guidelines

  • Download Template PANAKEIA: Journal of Public Health

  • Title: Each initial letter must be capitalized, and the title should follow the template style.

  • Author Information: Authors' names should be listed, followed by superscripts indicating affiliations and email addresses. Affiliations should be complete, and email addresses are indicated with superscripts (a, b, etc.).

  • Abstract:

    • Indonesian Abstract: Must be narrative, 150-170 words, containing background, research objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. Results should differ from the conclusion.
    • English Abstract: Similar to the Indonesian abstract, written in past tense, with 150-170 words.
    • Keywords: Both abstracts should include 2-5 keywords in English.
  • Introduction: The introduction should be 15-20% of the total article length, about 2 pages. It must cover the background (quantitative or qualitative data), theoretical foundation, research originality, and the general research objective.

  • Method: This section should also take up 15-20% of the article (around 1.5 pages). It should describe the research design, time, location, variables, sampling techniques, data collection, and data analysis methods.

  • Results and Discussion: This section should be 60-70% of the total article length. It must not include subchapters, and results should be presented in tables, graphs, or figures with concise titles. The total number of tables and figures should not exceed five.

  • Conclusion: This consists of two paragraphs—one for conclusions and one for recommendations. The conclusions should directly answer the research questions, and the suggestions should be practical, referring to the research results.

  • References: The references should follow APA style.