Author Guideline

Author Guidelines

ANDIL Mulawarman Journal of Community Engagement

ANDIL Mulawarman J Comm Engag is a journal for the development and application of science and technology that contains publications on the results of Community Service (PkM) activities, models or concepts and or their implementation in the context of increasing community participation in development, community empowerment and or the implementation of community service as an implementation effort of downstream research results.

Guidelines for authors of the Journal of Community Service

The present manuscript constitutes an application of scientific and technological knowledge, alongside innovative concepts, to the implementation of community service activities that have not been previously or concurrently published in other journals (a statement letter serves to reinforce this point).

The abstract is to be written in both Indonesian and English, with a maximum of five keywords. The abstract is to be no longer than 250 words. The content of the manuscript is to be written in Indonesian and typed using the MS Word, Cambria, size 10pt, with a single space, and printed on A4 paper. The length of the manuscript is to be between 10 and 15 pages.

The systematic writing of the article follows the following order:

  1. Title
  2. Author name and affiliation
  3. Abstract (in English and in Bahasa)
  4. Introduction
  5. Method and Implementation
  6. Results and Discussion
  7. Conclusion
  8. Akcnowledment (If any)
  9. References (At least 20 references consisting of at least 80% journals and publications of the last 10 years)

A comprehensive elucidation of the writing system is hereby provided. To facilitate comprehension, users are advised to download and utilise the template, which can be accessed via the following link: