About the Journal
Publisher: Department of Aquatic Resources Management, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Mulawarman University
Period of issuance:Twice a year (April and October)
Aims and Scope: Jurnal Tropical Aquatic Sciences (TAS) is published peer-reviewed academic articles on aquatic ecology, aquatic biology, hydrology, water quality, riverine and marine pollution, and oceanography.
Correction and Retraction
Jurnal Tropical Aquatic Sciences is committed to publish correction (errata and corrigenda) or retraction in accordance with the COPE Guidelines. In all cases, these notices are linked to the original article.
Errata provide a means of correcting errors that occurred after proofreading process. This includes writing, typing, editing, or publication (e.g., a misspelling, a dropped word or line, or mislabeling in a figure) of a published article. The authors need to send direct email to the editorial office (tropicalaquaticsciences@unmul.ac.id) to ask for an erratum and the correction will be taken based on the last proofread provided. Corrigenda provides a means of correcting errors that are made by the authors but the errors should not alter the overall basic results or conclusions of a published article. Note that the addition of new data is not permitted. For corrections of a scientific nature or issues involving authorship, all disputing parties must agree, in writing, to the publication of the Correction. For omission of an author's name, letters must be signed by the authors of the article and the author whose name was omitted. The editor who handled the article will be consulted if necessary.
Information on COPE Retraction Guidelines can be found here: Retraction Guidelines
Peer Review Process :
TAS is adopted the double-blind review process, where every submitted manuscript will be internally reviewed by the editor prior to sending to independent (external) reviewers.
The authors are welcome to suggest at least three potential reviewers along with the name, affiliation, expert field and email address. However, the decision to determine the appropriate reviewers is right of the editor.The approved gallery proof of manuscript will early view online as early as possible upon received from author and final proofreading by editor in chief.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Authors of accepted papers are requested to arrange page charges of their papers at the rate of 100.000 (IDR) per article to cover the article processing and submission costs. There is no additional cost for color figures. The invoice will be sent to the author.
Archiving Policy :
Digital preservation can be seen as the set of processes and activities that ensure information which now exists in digital formats is backed up and distributed to guarantee continued access for the long term. The digital content of the journal is extremely valuable and measures are in place to ensure both its current accessibility and long-term preservation. The preservation policy includes the following measures:
Website archiving
All of our electronic content (website, manuscripts, etc.) is stored on three different sources. Content on one server is online and accessible to the readers. The copy of the same content is kept as a backup on two other sources. In case of failure of one server, any one of the other sources can be made online and website expected to be accessible within less than 24-36 hours.
Abstracting/Indexing services
Our journals abstracting and indexing services store many essential information about the articles. Additionally, two of our journals abstracting and indexing services archive not only the metadata about the article, but the electronic versions of the articles, as well. Therefore, copies of the articles are available to the scientific community through their systems as an alternative to the journals own.
Authors may archive the final published version of their articles in personal or institutional repositories immediately after publication.