Pendampingan Implementasi Teknologi Agrivoltaics Ultrasonic di PP. Sumber Bungur Pamekasan
Rice Cultivation, Plant Disturbance Organisms, Integrated Pest Control, Pondok PesantrenAbstract
Pondok Pesanten Sumber Bungur Pamekasan is one of the boarding schools characterized by the deepening of science and development of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry. Each year this boarding school can cultivate rice twice. In the process of rice cultivation can not be separated by pest attacks. Pest control carried out by the caretaker of the cottage is still limited to the use of pesticides and insecticides that have the weakness of natural enemies are also killed. Integrated pest control (IPM) is an appropriate pest control technique, which is a technique that focuses on the principle that the control system can be implemented in the area accurately and effectively and environmentally friendly. This activity is expected to be a solution to problems in the Agricultural Land of Pondok pesantren Sumber Bungur, regarding the interference of Plant Pest organisms (OPT). Peridode of implementation of activities on January 10-11, 2024. Participants who participated in this activity were administrators, students, and teachers of SMK Pertanian Sumber Bungur. The methods used in this service are: 1. Location Survey; 2. Socialization, training, and simulation of the use of agrivoltaics technology; 4. Evaluation. The results of the evaluation show that the students who were accompanied had increased knowledge related to educational materials that were delivered. Knowledge related to pests that attack rice and the dangers of pesticides increased from 60% to 80%. Knowledge of the importance of realizing food security also increased from 10% to 45%, knowledge related to agrivoltaics and ultrasonic tools increased 10% to 45%, and independent assignments related to understanding tools from 10% to 45%. This shows that this program has succeeded in increasing understanding and awareness related to the dangers of pesticide use and the use of agrivoltaics and ultrasonic tools.
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