Influence of Self-Control and Peer Conformity on Disciplined Behavior


  • Rulis Setiani
  • Rina Rifayanti Faculty of Social Science and Politic, Mulawarman University, Indonesia


Disciplinary Behavior; Self Control; Peer Conformity


This study aims to see the effect of self-control, and peer conformity on disciplined behavior among students. This study uses a quantitative approach. The subjects of this study were 150 people who were selected using simple random sampling technique. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression test with the help of the SPSS version 21.0 program. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant effect of self-control on disciplinary behav ior with the value obtained by F count> F table (117.803> 3.06), Adjusted R square = 0.611, and p = 0.000 <0.050. There is a positive and significant influence on self-control on behavioral behavior with a beta value = 0.757; t count = 14,294> t table = 1.976 and p = 0.000. there is no influence on peer conformity with behavior with a beta value = -0.090; t count -1.694 => t table = 1.976 and p = 0.092.


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How to Cite

Rulis Setiani, & Rina Rifayanti. (2022). Influence of Self-Control and Peer Conformity on Disciplined Behavior. Aji Internasional Journal of Social Science, 1(1), 9–20. Retrieved from


