Hubungan kerapatan tegakan lamun terhadap kelimpahan sand dollar (Laganum sp.) di padang lamun Pulau Derawan Kabupaten Berau

The relation between seagrass standing density and sand dollar (Laganum, sp.) abundance at seagrass beds, Derawan Island, Berau District


  • Dwi Yudha Aisyah Universitas Mulawarman
  • Aditya Irawan unmul
  • Lily Inderia Sari Universitas Mulawarman



density, abundance, Derawan Island, sand dollar, seagrass


This study was aimed to analyze the prospects of development of the financial aspects of amplang processing and marketing channel of amplang processing business. The data was collected through a survey, completed by direct observation in the field and interviews with the respondents. The applied data analysis includes analysis of costs, revenues, income and business feasibility. The results showed the average revenue earned from amplang processing business is Rp. 7.040,000 per month or Rp. 70.400,000 per year, while the average cost of Rp. 4.623.167 per month or Rp. 46.238.333/year. The average income was found as much as Rp. 2.416.167/month or Rp. 24,161,667 / year. The value of the balance of revenue and cost (R/C) in the business of processing amplang is 1.54, which means that the amplang processing business is able to provide a gain of 1.54 of the cost. There are two pattern of marketing channel that were identified in the field, the first pattern is: amplang producer to retailer to consumer; and the second pattern is: amplang producer to consumer directly.


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How to Cite

Aisyah, D. Y., Irawan, A., & Sari, L. I. (2023). Hubungan kerapatan tegakan lamun terhadap kelimpahan sand dollar (Laganum sp.) di padang lamun Pulau Derawan Kabupaten Berau: The relation between seagrass standing density and sand dollar (Laganum, sp.) abundance at seagrass beds, Derawan Island, Berau District. Jurnal Ilmu Perikanan Tropis Nusantara (Nusantara Tropical Fisheries Science Journal), 1(2), 107–116.