Teacher Self-Efficacy for Professional Development during the COVID-19 Pandemic In East Kalimantan


  • Nurlaili Nurlaili Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Mulawarman University
  • Suryaningsi Suryaningsi Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Mulawarman University
  • Meiliyani Siringoringo Statistics Study Program Faculty of Mathematics and Science Natural Knowledge Mulawarman University


Self-efficacy Teacheraffects the professional competence of teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teachers are still required to be able to construct the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes of students in online learning. This study aims to investigate the self-efficacy experience of junior high school teachers to remain professional during the COVID-19
Pandemic. The research method uses a qualitative type with a narrative approach which is  carried out from August to September 2021. Data collection first conducts observations by
taking initial data at the education office as many as 35 teachers but only 14 teachers are willing to be interviewed as respondents in primary data using a purposive approach.
sampling. Then identify and then conduct online interviews, the data obtained are then grouped according to the needs of research data and given coding and then reduced,
displaying data and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the experience of selfefficacy of junior high school teachers to remain professional during the COVID-19 pandemic
was difficult. Failures occur when constructing the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of students, so some teachers decide to attend workshops to help online learning. Teachers,
students, and parents are worried because they cannot do their best due to the very limited support for online learning facilities. Teachers are also challenged to master the technology so that online learning continues to be carried out with the support of workshop activities to increase competence and quality of learning. The conclusion that the self-efficacy experienced teachers to remain professional is still dubious and even causes stress, because teachers are increasingly busy and work hard to prepare and ensure that learning remains effective. The practical implication is that the results of future research can be tested by teachers in high school.


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