Effect of Uv Light Variation and CaCO3 (Scavenger) Concentration in Reducing Humic Acid Using TiO2/Fe3O4


  • Salsabila Juwita Department of Environmental Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Fahrizal Adnan Department of Environmental Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Searphin Nugroho Department of Environmental Engineering, Mulawarman University
  • Muhammad Busyairi Department of Environmental Engineering, Mulawarman University


CaCO3, Photocatalyst, TiO2/Fe3O4, UVA, UVC


Photocatalyst using TiO2/Fe3O4 aims to degrade humic acid with the help of UVA and UVC. This study also studied the effect of scavengers using calcium carbonate (CaCO3). This study used the sol-gel method for the synthesis of TiO2/Fe3O4. The percentage of degradation using TiO2/Fe3O4 with the help of UVA light is higher, namely 87.032% compared to the percentage of UVC degradation which is 85.495%. This is because the use of UVC rays causes other carcinogenic chemical compounds to be degraded. the percentage of degradation using TiO2/Fe3O4 with the help of UVA light and the addition of 10 mg of CaCO3 got the highest percentage of degradation of 88.761% compared to the addition of 20 mg of CaCO3 getting the percentage of degradation of 85.110%. This is because CaCO3 helps precipitate the catalyst material if added in the right dose. This study used a standard solution of humic acid pH 3 with a humic acid concentration of 15 ppm, this study was conducted for 5 hours with sampling every 30 minutes and repeated 3 times


